
let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings

today was interesting.
I finished the outline of my paper and then did all my chores, then went to go pick up Kaitlyn from her house. We came back and went swimming for a while...it took forever for her to get in even though the pool was like 80*
and...oh then we took a shower in our swim suits in the basement shower cuz it's big and then we made...burgers. All by ourselves. And I flipped a burger when it still had cheese on it. So I gave it to Joel.
and then we watched this week's episode of Glee because I'd missed it. I honestly don't care all that much about Glee, I just like the music (oh, we got the funk...). The storyline is way out of control, but I am watching the Finale for sure. Will is so hot.
I painted Kaitlyn's toenails blue but it was hard because her toenails are tiny. And it didn't help that she messed them up.
Then we played Sims 2 for a little while but then her dad came and picked her up. So far, I made me and Gerard Butler (we're married, of course) and Kaitlyn is our child (how does that work?) and so is Lilly but Lilly is a toddler. I started to make the house, but that's the most boring part.
I can't smell anything because of my stupid nose. I've been sneezing all day and I hate it :( I'm not even allergic to anything. Who knows, maybe I'm beginning to be.
I don't know what else to write about...I officially have 2 followers! yay! well, and Kaitlyn, but she doesn't have a blog.

there's no point in the summer to curl my hair because it just comes out anyway, which sucks. I miss my long hair...please come back fast.

I want my nose to die
I love brownies


  1. i wish i could have gone but i was sick, sounds like you had a blast :)

  2. haha yeah I'm still sick which sucks :/ but im getting better


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